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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Low Cost Clinic

In the past I have told on FB how blessed I was to find a WONDERFUL clinic that ONLY services patients withOUT insurance. The minimal charges incurred by the patients go to pay the office help and overhead. The attending physician was an awesomely, compassionate man. He is retired and from India. He and about four other doctors volunteer their  time at this clinic. He told me that the reason he volunteers his time is because he wanted to give back to the country that had been so good to him. Tomorrow is his last day at this clinic. I don't know what his plans are, but I am sure he needs a respite. Now the clinic is searching for a replacement and I am certain this is not an easy task as it is not a position that is paid back in dollars, but its returns are eternal.

Anyway, I say all of this to preface the fact that I decided to volunteer at this clinic. Today was my first morning to do so. It is a mad house, but VERY rewarding. There were people from many countries and all walks of life.

My thought today is regarding foreign missions...soapbox, please. I certainly understand that many feel a call to minister abroad, taking medical help, food and the gospel to other countries less fortunate than the U.S. However, Keith and I were mulling this prospect over and this is what we came up with. There are so many people in the U.S., citizens and immigrants alike, that cannot afford healthcare. We have been among that ever growing community. Here were our thoughts. Let's say, just for grins, that there are twelve, fairly large churches/temples in the DFW metroplex. (we all know that there are many more than that) And let's say that seven of those churches have a doctor grounded in his or her practice enough to voluteer one day a week at such a clinic. Then there would be no problem finding Dr. Patel's replacement. This would require no overseas travel, no need to leave hearth and home, and just a little bit more patience with this particular demographic than the folks they normally see. How rewarding a job to minister to the needy in your own country.

Just sayin...

Have a blessed day!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Things I Learned at the Fair this Year

1. Go the first weekend...not crowded and there's lots of livestock to see.
2. Ride the Dart rail. Cheaper, easier and stops right at the Fair.
3. You are allowed to take ANY food or beverage into the park with the exception of alcohol. Next year we WILL go to the McDonalds across the street and buy $1.00 sodas to take in with us.
4. If you attend the fair during the ball game and you're not there for the game there is even less of a crowd.
5. Kids under 48" get in free.
6. McDonald's also has $$ off coupons. Another reason to go there first.
5. EVERYONE should see the Wild Bird Show.
6. I love goats!!

Have a blessed day!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Left Field Day

I'm sitting here at my desk on my lunch break listening to disco on Pandora and having some flashbacks. These memories have been more rampant due to the fact that I went out to dinner and power shopping with my long-time friends Sheila and Pam. I adore those girls. We had a good time. I think we could have a good time just about anywhere. I was remembering a time when all I had to worry about was homework and gas in my car. Sheez, Louise, were those the days?

One thing Sheila said last night was, "remember when Susan had glasses and we didn't." They both wear reading glasses and I don't...yet...there coming.

My other random thoughts are of my younger facebook friends that post things like, "my little angel said...," "my sweet boy said...," etc. Then I am seeing postings from parents of preteens and teens saying, "I cannot believe that came out of her mouth." and "I swore I would never say that to my kids." Funny. I would've said the same thing. Of course I would've had to send it to Reader's Digest. No facebook back in the stone ages.

Random: Anybody remember mimeograph paper? I loved to smell it.

Have a blessed and safe Friday...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday Rambling

So, this evening I am meeting two very dear friends from my youth for dinner. Pam, whom I have been friends with since freshman year of jr. high is coming down with her husband from OKC. Sheila, I have known since we were in 1st grade. She and I have been besties since 5th grade when we realized that we lived two doors down from each other. Oh, the stories!!! They are both lovely women and it will be nice to see them and have some belly laughs. Don't you just love belly laughs? Ones where you cry? We all need that from time to time. Note to me: waterproof mascara!

We're meeting at Bucca di Peppo. I LOVE THAT PLACE! Sheila got me hooked! If you haven't been, it is a must! The Italian cuisine is great. The gelato is better. They have a gluten free menu and I could spend hours looking at the wall decor. Even in the bathroom. They also have the little boy peeing statue right outside the bathrooms. That was a belly/cry laugh for Sheila and I when we went together the first time.

 I will take pics and post them later.

Everyone have a blessed day...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Home Alone

Well, it doesn't happen very often, but I am ALONE!! Why do I celebrate this?  I suppose it is a bit selfish, but these moments are pretty few and far between nowadays. I am an introvert at heart. Although I love people, sometimes they drain me of my energy, where my husband, Keith, is the opposite. After 27 years we are learning to work that out. He actually asked me yesterday if I wanted him to take the day off today and I answered with a resounding, "NO!" Hmmmmm? Silly man.

I believe my agenda will start with Walmart Pharmacy...ugh! Then on to greener pastures. The nail salon and then the little antique mall that I just discovered in Irving. Oh, also, I will need sustenance and I am thinking Sonic. Then home to watch a girlie movie...lots to do and little time, so I am off. Crud! I need 2 days off. :)

Have a blessed day!
So, I did almost all the things I wanted to do today. I took pics at the antique store that I love, but accidentally erased them. Here is the quote I remember. Antiques: Grandmother bought them, Mom sold them and I am buying them back. Cute, huh? I know my mom wishes that she had kept many things, but where would we have put them?
I got a pedicure, saved the money that I would've spent at Sonic and got my eyebrows waxed for the first time. It was not as painful as I thought it would be. Totally thought of Steve Carrell when I laid down on the table. I rented a movie, but fell asleep while watching it...oops. Overall it was a lovely day.

Hope yours was blessed as well!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Random Thoughts and Mindless Potpourri

I will be the first to admit that due to the fact that I have ADD, I cannot put into a single blog my random thoughts. However, I will attempt to log a few of the thoughts that I can "capture" on a blog.

If it were not for reality tv I probably would not watch as much TV as I do. I have never seen "The Office" although I adore Steve Carrell. I have never seen "30 Rock" although I love Tina Fey. The last sitcom that I watched was "Everybody Loves Raymond" and "George Lopez." I love the reruns and will watch them over and over again. I suppose I am a bit of a situational voiure. I like to watch trainwrecks. So, I love Dancing with the Stars, American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. Enough said on the topic.

I am a registered Democrat. My dad would like that. My husband does not. Oh, what a quandry. I do not like to discuss politics. However, I am VERY prolife. If you would like to discuss that I will discuss.

We have three generations living in one house. That proves to be trying at times, but very Waltonesque at others. I am a firm believer in taking care of those that changed your diapers. The only commandment with a promise in it is "Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee," Exodus 20:12. So, there ya go.

I suppose that is all I have to say for now, except for the fact that I decided to blog as opposed to putting all my random thoughts on Facebook. That way I could express myself and if anyone else was interested they could partake.

Have a blessed day....