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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Home Alone

Well, it doesn't happen very often, but I am ALONE!! Why do I celebrate this?  I suppose it is a bit selfish, but these moments are pretty few and far between nowadays. I am an introvert at heart. Although I love people, sometimes they drain me of my energy, where my husband, Keith, is the opposite. After 27 years we are learning to work that out. He actually asked me yesterday if I wanted him to take the day off today and I answered with a resounding, "NO!" Hmmmmm? Silly man.

I believe my agenda will start with Walmart Pharmacy...ugh! Then on to greener pastures. The nail salon and then the little antique mall that I just discovered in Irving. Oh, also, I will need sustenance and I am thinking Sonic. Then home to watch a girlie movie...lots to do and little time, so I am off. Crud! I need 2 days off. :)

Have a blessed day!
So, I did almost all the things I wanted to do today. I took pics at the antique store that I love, but accidentally erased them. Here is the quote I remember. Antiques: Grandmother bought them, Mom sold them and I am buying them back. Cute, huh? I know my mom wishes that she had kept many things, but where would we have put them?
I got a pedicure, saved the money that I would've spent at Sonic and got my eyebrows waxed for the first time. It was not as painful as I thought it would be. Totally thought of Steve Carrell when I laid down on the table. I rented a movie, but fell asleep while watching it...oops. Overall it was a lovely day.

Hope yours was blessed as well!

1 comment:

  1. I'm clicking 'Like' on this post.

    Glad you had a lovely day!
