In the past I have told on FB how blessed I was to find a WONDERFUL clinic that ONLY services patients withOUT insurance. The minimal charges incurred by the patients go to pay the office help and overhead. The attending physician was an awesomely, compassionate man. He is retired and from India. He and about four other doctors volunteer their time at this clinic. He told me that the reason he volunteers his time is because he wanted to give back to the country that had been so good to him. Tomorrow is his last day at this clinic. I don't know what his plans are, but I am sure he needs a respite. Now the clinic is searching for a replacement and I am certain this is not an easy task as it is not a position that is paid back in dollars, but its returns are eternal.
Anyway, I say all of this to preface the fact that I decided to volunteer at this clinic. Today was my first morning to do so. It is a mad house, but VERY rewarding. There were people from many countries and all walks of life.
My thought today is regarding foreign missions...soapbox, please. I certainly understand that many feel a call to minister abroad, taking medical help, food and the gospel to other countries less fortunate than the U.S. However, Keith and I were mulling this prospect over and this is what we came up with. There are so many people in the U.S., citizens and immigrants alike, that cannot afford healthcare. We have been among that ever growing community. Here were our thoughts. Let's say, just for grins, that there are twelve, fairly large churches/temples in the DFW metroplex. (we all know that there are many more than that) And let's say that seven of those churches have a doctor grounded in his or her practice enough to voluteer one day a week at such a clinic. Then there would be no problem finding Dr. Patel's replacement. This would require no overseas travel, no need to leave hearth and home, and just a little bit more patience with this particular demographic than the folks they normally see. How rewarding a job to minister to the needy in your own country.
Just sayin...
Have a blessed day!!!
Great post! Great idea! ... Would that medical folks would read your blog... and HEED!!!